Since 1997
Hungarian sayings and proverbs
Hungarian language is particularly rich in sayings and proverbs. Almost all of us can remember some, so why not share them with each other? Please send me one (or more) with English explanation and I will put it to this page with your name and/or e-mail address. You can share your memories, too. Please do not send anything racisist, hate messages or such things. If the proverbs have word-by-word (WBW) and general (G) meanings I publish both. To start, I put some well-known sayings here and some proverbs to the proverb page.

1. Fejétől bűzlik a hal.
WBW : Fish stinks from its head.
G: Most mistakes (of organizations, companies etc.) originates among the leaders.

2. Egy fecske nem csinál nyarat.
WBW. One swallow doesn't mean the summer is here.
G: One person alone is too little to change things.

3. Nem esik messze az alma a fájától.
WBW : The apple falls close to its tree.
G: People often behave similarly (negative) than their parents.

4. Megéri a pénzét! ( about a person).
WBW. He is worth his money.
G: Not a good person.

5. Nézd meg az anyját, vedd el a lányát.
WBW : Watch her mother before you marry a girl.

6. Megéri a pénzét! ( about a person).
WBW. He is worth his money.
G: Not a good person.

7. Kicsire nem adunk!
WBW : Something as small doesn't count.
G: It doesn't matter.

8. Sok kicsi sokra megy.
G: Many small things can add up a big one.

9. Nem eszik olyan forrón a kását.
WBW : Wait, it is not that bad.
G: It doesn't matter.

10. Más szemében a szálkát, magáéban a gerendát sem látja.
WBW. He sees the mote in others' eyes but not the beam in his own.
G: He takes other's small flaw seriously, while ignores his own big mistakes.

11. Nem akarásnak nyögés a vége.
Lazyness brings struggle.

12. Nem mind arany ami fénylik.
Not everything shiny is gold.

13. Minden csoda három napig tart. --
"Every miracle lasts only three days", which means that everything new or exciting will eventually wear off . (sic). So try to remain moderate because things will change soon or everybody will get used to it.

14. A messziről jött ember azt mond amit akar.
WBW: The man who comes from afar says what he wants.
meaning that a person you do not know will (or can) tell you things you can not check out, and therefore may not be true
(sic) So beware what strangers say.

15. Egyem meg a szivedet.
WBW: "I'd like to eat your heart" which is said with great affection, usually to a small child who has done something so nice or good that it has emotionally touched an adult's heart.

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