Where? Hol?

As you probably know by now, you need to watch the endings of all kind of words carefully when you create a Hungarian sentence. The most common answers of the above question contain one of the following:
in = -ban, -ben, OR on= -on, -en, -ön
but while 'in' and 'on' are prefixes in English, Hungarians rather use suffixes. To decide which suffix to use in each case, remember the vowel harmony.
-ban, -ben is a harmonic two-form suffix

If the word contains front vowels ONLY, the ending is '-ben' , otherwise 'ban'.
-on, -en, -ön is a harmonic three-form suffix
If the word contains front vowels only, the ending is '-en'

BUT if the last, front vowel is ö, ő, ü, ű the ending is '-ön'

OTHERWISE (back or mixed vowels) the ending is '-on'.
Let's see some sample sentences now. Create as many sentences as you can from the table below:

A könyv
a(z) asztalon

Find the proper ending for the following nouns:
polc, levél, kád, ablak, könyv, boríték, tányér, bicikli, kéz, kalap


1. If the word ends in a vowel, use -n only instead of -on, -en, -ön.
For example biciklin, esernyőn, padlón,
but if the last vowel is 'a' or 'e' it changes to á and é respectively.
For example alma - almán, lepke - lepkén.
2. The same kind of change occurs with '-ban, -ben' if the noun ends in 'a' or 'e'.
almában, lepkében.
3. Sometimes there is a change in the order of the last sounds:
bokor - bokorban, bokron
csokor - csokorban, csokron

Hol laksz? (Where do you live?)

Possible answers: Amerikában , Franciaországban, Japánban, Izraelben,..DE
While most country get '-ban, -ben' ending Hungary gets '-on'. Some other countries receiving '-on, -ön'
are Izland, Grönland, Thaiföld. Almost the same rule applies to cities and towns. Foreign towns receive '-ban, -ben', but Hungarians get '-on, -en, -ön.'
Possible answers for the above question:
New Yorkban, Chicagoban, Párizsban, Berlinben, Rómában, Londonban, BUT
Budapesten, Szegeden, Balatonon, Miskolcon, etc.
There are some exceptions among Hungarian places, for example Egerben, Tihanyban, Debrecenben, etc.
In some cases there is an ending, '-ött, -ett, ott' : Győrött, Pécsett, Kaposvárott, which is an old-fashioned, but still living version.

Adverbs of place are easy to use - they always follow the nouns and there is no need to use endings. (good news - hm?)

Adverbs of place:

mögött = behind előtt = in front of
felett = above mögött =behind

Create as many sentences as you can from the table below:

A(z) telefon
a(z) asztal

Sample sentences about a picture

A család a ház előtt áll. The family is in front of the house.
Tetszik nekik a ház. They like the house.
A ház eladó. The house is for sale.
A ház előtt van egy tábla. There is a sign in front of the house.
A tábla mutatja hogy a ház eladó. The sign shows the house is for sale.
Az apa a ház felé mutat. The father points to the house.
Az anya a férfi és a kislány között áll. The mother stands between the man and the girl.
A kislány mellett van a kutyája. The girl has her dog besides her.
A kislánynak van egy kutyája. The girl has a dog.
A kislány fogja a kutya pórázát. The girl holds the dog-lead.
A ház mögött fák vannak. There are trees behind the house.
Három fa van a ház mögött. There are 3 trees behind the house.
A ház körül fű van. There is grass around the house.
Kis út vezet az ajtóhoz. The walkway goes to the house.
A kislány nadrágja sárga. The girl's pants are yellow.
Az anya blúza zöld.The mother's blouse is green.

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