Ikerszavak / Twin words

'Ikerszavak', literally 'twin-words' are important part of Hungarian language. Most of them sound slightly humorous, many have folk traditions, were used by the always ingenious villagers, the so-called 'egyszerű emberek', or 'a nép fiai'. Poets like to use these words too, since they create a playful atmosphere and give special melody to the poems. Also, these are broadly used in the everyday life today.
1. Some very common examples:
egy-egy, éjjel-nappal, körbe-körbe, ország-világ, szívvel-lélekkel apraja-nagyja, jön-megy, többé-kevésbé
Sample sentences:
A hugom néha ír egy-egy levelet. My sister writes me occassionally.
Az édesapád éjjel-nappal dolgozik. Your father works day and night.
A gyerekek körbe-körbe járnak. Children are going all around.
Az énekes megbukott ország-világ előtt. The singer failed in front of the whole world.
Szívvel-lélekkel dolgoznak. They are doing this wholeheartedly.
A város apraja-nagyja megnézte a filmet. Everybody watched the movie.
Többé-kevésbé igazad van. You are right on the whole.

2. Also common, bringing more melody:
hanyatt-homlok, kígyót-békát, sír-rí, jobbra-balra, tipeg-topog

Sample sentences:
A betörő hanyatt-homlok menekül. The burglar precipitately flights.
Kígyót-békát mondanak Tamásra. They cry shame upon Tamás.
Az a néni mindig sír-rí. That woman always cries.
Nézel jobbra-balra. You are looking around.
A gyerek tipeg-topog az anyja körül. The child toddles about his mother.

3. Challenge yourself with the following poem-fragment. The first 4 lines would be really hard to translate, so just try to 'feel the meaning' and the special melody, there is no need of a dictionary. The last lines are easy to understand.

Kis Dénes: Gyárlátogatás / Factory-visit

ez a gyár,
hol a sok gép
a sok ember
fúr, farag, vág,

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