Since 1997
Hungarian Alphabet
Hungarian is a unique language many find difficult. It has no relationship with the big European or with the Slavik languages. But there is good news for the learners - the pronounciation is easier than it is in English, since you pronounce each letter the same way every time. The main challenge with pronounciation is the unique sounds not found in the alphabet of most languages. For one, there are 14 Hungarian vowels. It is critical to put every effort to learn them
Below is the Hungarian alphabet consiting of 44 letters. They are here with sound files to help with pronounciation.

Magyar ABC

Listen to the whole ABC. Print the ABC and listen the sound file - try to repeat and practice these sounds.

a e j ó t x
á é k ö ty y

Let's practice these unique sounds a little more in some basic Hungarian words.
Listen to the sound file and practice.

süt (bake)hűtés (cooling)ül (sit)
köd (fog)föld (ground)öröm (happyness)
hit (faith)híd (bridge)írni (to write)
hát (back)kád (bath-tub)sál (scarf)
vér (blood)négy (four)kérdez (ask)

Here is another pronounciation practice. Listen and say the next words, all of which contain unique sounds.

Listen to the sound file to practice now.

erős (strong)szőlő (grape)győz (win)
csak (just)csík (stripe)csacsi (donkey)
kutya (dog)latyak (slush)tyúk (hen)
rózsa (rose)zsúr (party)zsák (sack)
nyár (summer)kenyér (bread)nyeremény (prize)

For more practice, here is a second page with additional examples.