Here is my birthplace. This is the homeland of old, real native Hungarian traditions with the comfort of the 20th century. Old, small Hungarian settlements enriched with folk art and folk customs. What most people know about Hungary
is:"csardas, csikos, gulyas" which is not true for the present country - however you can see them in tourist centers of the Great Plain.
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Get acquainted with the Italian baroque architectural relics of the nearly thousand year old Kalocsa, the typical two towered Main Cathedral and Treasury, as well as with the Archbishop's Palace which accommodates more than a hundred fifty thousand codices and incunabula in it's Library. The town is not only known for it's religious artifacts, but for its folk-art too, which is accounted amongst the most colorful, most spectacular and loved around the world. Visit the only paprika museum in the world that gives a little taste from the past of this elixir of Hungarian cooking. The showing of the Swabian nationality culture, the atmosphere of the fiery wines, the cellars dug into the loess and the more than a thousand press houses built over them, which are quite unique in Europe.
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Szolnok lies at the mouth of the Rivers Tisza and Zagyva. Remarkable is the angling and water sport life, the live River Tisza, the River Zagyva as well as the back waters of the River Tisza are considered to be a Paradise of anglers. The excursion ships and pleasure flights start regularly.At the end of 1900s there was a thermal water explored from a depth near to 1000m with iodine and alkali hydrogen carbonate content. This water is utilized in the baths of the town as well as in the thermal bath of the Hotel Tisza.
The Artists' Colony opened its gates in the park created on the place of former fortress in 1902, where there are still many talented artists working. The theatre named by Ede Szigligeti gives home to dramatic art since 1912. (Photo shows the synagoge
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Gyula lies in the southeastern part of the Great Plain on the left bank of Fehér-Körös, right by the frontier with Rumania. Gyula is a major border-crossing point to Arad, Bucharest and on to the Balkans.Thermal water, therapeutics, the diagnostic background of the County Hospital, the hunting and fishing facilities in the environs, the various cultural programmes and the hearty welcome are the arguments that anybody seeking for cure and rest.Gyula has received international recognition as a spa over the past two decades.
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Please. visit my second page of the Great Plain. That is about my birth place and about the town I spent my college years.
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[West Hungary ]
[Northern Hills]